Cultural awareness

“When you drop a pebble into a pond, ripples spread out, changing all the water in the pool.” Neal Shusterman

In our busy lives, we can get so caught up in our own little world and lose sight of the bigger picture, of others and of the needs around us. The focus of an affluent society such as ours tends to lean towards the importance of reaching financial goals and achieving financial security. This investment mostly benefits ourselves and/or our immediate family.

Taking our eyes off ourselves and investing in others, by giving of ourselves and our resources to make a difference, can be extremely rewarding. A smile, a chat, an understanding conversation or giving a helping hand can mean the world to someone else. Unfortunately we are often more aware of the worldwide needs than of those in our neighbourhood or workplace. There is a community just outside our doorstep that needs us.  People from different countries and cultures now form part of our country’s diversity. Invest in others and contribute towards making the world we live in a better place.